  • Automatic Gambler
    Created in October 2000 (along with Klectors that is elsewhere in this book) as an impromptu performance piece for the International Magic convention in December of that year. You demonstrate how to stack 4 Aces for a four-handed game. Then, you drop the Aces face up on top of the deck and they instantly vanish. You immediately give the deck to a spectator who now deals, not 4 but 5 hands this time. The face up Aces fall to his hand!Satanic Writes
    You give out a diary to spectator ‘A’ for close examination. There are playing cards entered throughout with no discernible pattern, or excessive duplication of any card. You bring out a deck of cards which is regular. You remove the Joker and place it in the card case then give the deck to spectator ‘B.’ He removes three cards – completely free choice. He adds together their values to get a date – say, the 28th August. The spectator with the dairy looks up the date and reads out the card name written there – it might be the AH. Spectator ‘A’ now deals through the deck but the AH is missing. In fact there are only 51 cards and the AH is the only missing card. You ask him to pick up the card case and tip out the Joker. Instead of the Joker he finds the missing AH!
    You now give the diary to spectator ‘B’ and say, “Let’s forget about dates this time. Just open the diary at ANY page and think of ANY card.” He does that. Now, you name the card!



    A new version of Roy Walton’s Collectors created in October 2000. I created this (along with the Automatic Gambler that is elsewhere in this book) as an impromptu performance piece for the International Magic convention in December of that year. It’s totally impromptu – and you finish clean.

    Jack of All Trade-offs
    While this started from a simple play with words, the final result is almost a minimalist version of Dave Campbell’s Fred trick. It only uses six cards and there is a twist in the tale…

    Off-Centre Point


    In Profile magazine, and then later in Duffie’s Card Compulsions I published a trick called Centre Point. After the publication of Card Compulsions, I changed the handling to make it more puzzling to the knowing ones.

    Laughing Queens
    My handling for Roy Walton’s classic ‘Oil & Queens’ from The Devil’s Playthings.

    Paradise Found
    This effect is based on several factors, none of which I can pin down to any one source that actually inspired the routine. The effect is rather Phil Goldstein-like but without anagrams (See Thabbatical for several related ideas). Templates are included with the PDF.

    BONUS: Snap Happy
    A few years ago I had a video demo of this effect on my website (it’s back on again!). The method was never published and I had a lot of email inquiries about the trick. I hope the method is to the liking of those who failed to work it out from watching the video. For those of you who did work it out, perhaps you will find a few nuances that you overlooked.

    1st edition 2006; 48 pages


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