
Bruce Barnett: “He has taken the best of his material, and collected it into a single lecture. The notes are comprehensive, by the way, and covers 95% of what he explains in person (which is about as good as it gets). All together there are seven classic routines in his notes. Everyone commented on the high quality and usefulness of the material.”

Mark Strivings: “This book could actually be described as a ‘greatest hits’ collection. Included are seven masterful items ranging from his earliest efforts (Couples), to the current cream of the crop (All Shook Up). In between are other Bernstein classics like the ‘Bernstein Center Tear’ … this is one of the great techniques for obtaining written information. Also included are ‘Trans-Premonition’, ‘Thought Card Across’ (a killer!), ‘Scripted Thoughts’, and my personal favorite, ‘Masklyn’s Ring.’ All in a killer collection of world class material. This is way too cheap. In fact, this may be the bargain of the year.”


1 Trans-Premonition
5 Thought Card Across
8 Bernstein Center Tear
22 Couples
30 Scripted Thoughts
33 All Shook Up
39 Masklyn’s Ring


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