The performer will conduct several small tests in telepathy. He will
begin by trying to receive simpler, more generalized thoughts and will
then attempt to progress to the most precise and exacting of ideas;
exact numbers. After examining an ordinary city-wide phone book, the
spectator freely selects any page and concentrates on the types of
businesses and services pictured there. The performer is able to
roughly identify the area of businesses thought of.
A different page is selected and the performer moves across the room.
Again he asks the spectator to pick any ad and concentrate on the type
of business. The performer again identifies the exact type of business
which the spectator confirms. The performer indicates that he will now
move to a more abstract yet exacting test; numbers.
To “tune-in” on the spectator’s manner of number cognition he asks for
the first numbers of the company’s address. He now asks that the
spectator see these numbers in his head. After a moment of thought
the performer now asksthe spectator to concentrate on the phone
number, one digit at a time. The performer is able to correctly identify
the phone number digit for digit.


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